This project entailed the development and construction of new production wells; the addition of a new 40 ft x 60 ft Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to comply with treatment requirements for Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water; and the replacement of distribution system water mains. The major components of the project include the following:
- Four new groundwater production wells with a total capacity of 525 gpm
- Four raw water mains including 1030 LF of 6-inch HDPE (directional drilling) and 1430 LF of 6-inch DIP (opened trench)
- Two chlorine contact mains including 270 LF of 12-inch HDPE (directional drilling) and 411 LF of 18-inch DIP (opened trench)
- Water services reconnection
- A new 40 ft x 60 ft WTP including cartridge filtration, UV disinfection, corrosion control, and sodium hypochlorite injection
- New control and telemetry system
The Village of Granville Water System serves a population of 2,650 people and an average daily demand of 0.46 MG.