Building & Structural Engineering
Lamont Engineers’ services typically focus on the needs of small communities and businesses. Our talented staff can also handle the larger and more complex facilities as well. Services range from modifying an existing structure to meet service, safety and/or Code compliance, to designing an entire new building. Lamont Engineers’ staff is knowledgeable about the Building and Energy Codes of New York State and will ensure your structure is code compliant and energy efficient.
- Highway Department Garages
- Salt Storage Facilities
- Municipal Offices
- Fire Departments
- Modifications and Rehabilitation of Existing Structures
- Retaining Walls
- Above and Below Grade Water Storage Tanks
- Municipal Water and Wastewater Structures
- Drawing Review Services
- Preparation of Building Permit Applications
- Existing Structure Assessment
- Existing Conditions Drawings
Building & Structural Projects:

197 Elm Street · Cobleskill, NY 12043
(518) 234-4028