2012 Village of Round Lake Disinfection By-Product Assistance

The Village of Round Lake indirectly obtains water from the Saratoga County Water Authority (SCWA) system.  Since its start-up in 2010, parts of the SCWA system have been plagued with elevated levels of Disinfection By-products (DBPs).  This has resulted in periodic Notices of Violation being issued to the Village of Round Lake.  We assisted the Village of Round Lake in negotiations with its direct supplier (Clifton Park Water Authority) and with SCWA to find a solution.  We also organized and conducted a public information meeting on behalf of the Village to explain the problem to Village customers.  

While treatment corrections are currently being made on the SCWA system, our work also included conceptual design and cost estimating for potential solutions that could be implemented on the Village’s system. The major components of the project included the following:

  • Conceptual design and cost estimating for potential disinfection by-product treatment options
  • Public Outreach
  • Negotiations with upstream water suppliers

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January 25, 2024